
Monday, August 04, 2014

Can Allah SWT forgive all sins?

Verily Allah can forgive all the sins! Do we need to doubt the mercy of Allah SWT? No not at all. A human being is prone to the evil thoughts as Satan is working all the time to misguide and mislead the servant and slaves of Allah SWT. Allah's mercy is limitless, He can forgive anyone and anytime who He wants. 

Allah SWT asks the Prophet SAW to say to the slaves of Allah (Abd: one who submits to Allah SWT) who have committed sins and have performed evil deeds not to despair of the mercy of Allah. Allah's mercy is huge. There are many ayahs in Quran where Allah's mercy and forgiveness are mentioned. Yet I report here only one ayah from Surah Az-Zumr 39, Ayah 53 wherein Allah SWT says:

Surah Az-Zumr 39: Ayah 53

قُلۡ يٰعِبَادِىَ الَّذِيۡنَ اَسۡرَفُوۡا عَلٰٓى اَنۡفُسِهِمۡ لَا تَقۡنَطُوۡا مِنۡ رَّحۡمَةِ اللّٰهِ‌ ؕ اِنَّ اللّٰهَ يَغۡفِرُ الذُّنُوۡبَ جَمِيۡعًا‌ ؕ اِنَّهٗ هُوَ الۡغَفُوۡرُ الرَّحِيۡمُ‏

Say: "O Ibadi (My slaves) who have transgressed against themselves (by committing evil deeds and sins)! Despair not of the mercy of Allah, Verily! Allah forgives all the sins. Truly He is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful"

In this ayah, Allah SWT informs clearly that with His Mercy He forgives all the sins. This definitely is true but Allah SWT also says in the next ayahs that a transgressor abd needs to be repentant and obedient to Allah and submissive to Him before he meets the torment (azaab) of Allah SWT.  

Allah SWT describes the people who might be shocked with the torment as they didn't perceive that it will strike because they did not repent, became obedient and submitted to the will of Allah. These people when struck with torment would say either (1) I was undutiful to Allah and I mocked at the truth (La ilaha illallah, the Quran, Prophet Muhammad SAW and at the faithful believers) or (2) if only Allah had guided me I would have become one of the Pious/Muttaqun or (3) if I had another chance I would have become one of the Mohsinin. (Refer to 39:56-58).

Therefore, it is important to make ourselves aware of the fact that Allah's all attributes are infinite. Moreover, we must always seek the mercy of Allah SWT in all cases be it seeking forgiveness, seeking protection, seeking favors, seeking anything.

May Allah SWT have mercy on all of us. Ameen

Saturday, July 12, 2014

Imam al-Ghazali - one of the greatest scholars of Islam

Brief Introduction of Imam Al Ghazali

The name of Imam Al-Ghazali, the prominent Islamic Scholar, is Abu Hamid Muhammad ibn Muhammad ibn Muhammad ibn Muhammad. He was one of the greatest Islamic jurists, theologians and mystical thinkers. He was born in 1058 AD in Tus, Persia - a great Seljuq empire. He acquired knowledge of various branches of Islamic religious sciences in his hometown Tus and Nishapur in the northern part of Iran. He is well-known for his refutations of philosophers. He criticized the early Islamic Neoplatonism that was developed on the grounds of Hellenistic philosophy that it never recovered.

The life of Imam al Ghazali can be divided into three major periods. The first is the period of learning/acquiring knowledge. He was appointed as the Head of Nizammiyah College Baghdad in 1091 AD by the court of the Nizam al-Mulk, the powerful wazir of Seljuq Sultans. The second period of his life was his brilliant career. He was the highest ranking 'doctor'/scholar of the Islamic community in Baghdad (1091-5). This period lasted four years but was the most significant period of his life. Following the assassination of Nizam al-Mulk and later the violent death of Sultan Malikshah, Imam al-Ghazali faced a serious spiritual crisis. He left Baghdad renouncing both his career and the world. This was the time when his third period of life started (1095-1111). This was the period of inner search. He wandered as a Sufi in Syria and Palestine before he returned to Tus, his home town. He then engaged into writing, practicing as a Sufi, and imparting knowledge to his disciples/ students till his death.

One of the greatest works of Imam al-Ghazali is Ihya uloom al-din (The revival of the religious sciences). It is widely considered as the greatest work of Muslim spirituality, and perhaps the most widely read after the Holy Quran.

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Ablution - Wudu - The Importance and the Manner.

The following is taken from the book Ihya Uloom Din by the great Islamic philosopher Imam al-Ghazali

Importance of Ablution
The Prophet SAW said, "Whoever performs his ablution well and prostrates himself twice in prayer without allowing anything worldly to distract his mind, will be absolved of all his sins, and will become as innocent as he was when he was born." (Ahmad ibn Hanbal, Taharah: 183,188).

Prophet SAW also said, "He who performs the ablution while pure, will be credited with ten good deeds by God." (Ibn-Majah, Taharah: 73).

The Prophet SAW said, "When a Muslim, during the act of ablution, rinses his mouth, the sins leave it; when he blows his nose, they are gone therefrom; when he washes his hands, the sins, even those beneath his finger-nails, are removed; when he washes his head, he rids it of its sins, even those in and behind his ears, when he washes his feet, he cleanses them from sins, even those beneath his toe-nails. Then, and only then, will his going to the mosque and his prayer therein be meritorious." (Ahmad ibn-Hanbal, Tahara:187).

The Prophet also said, "Whoever performs his ablution well, and then lifts his head unto heavens and says, "I testify that there is no god but Allah alone, He has no associate, and I testify that Muhammad is His servant, the Apostle, the eight gates of Paradise will be flung open before him and he will enter therein through whichever gate he may desire.""

Washing the parts three times
Prophet SAW performed ablution throwing water once on every member and said, "Prayer is unacceptable before God except after such ablution." He SAW performed ablution throwing water twice on every member and said, "Whoever performs the ablution throwing water twice on every member will twice receive his reward from God." Finally, he performed the ablution throwing water thrice and said, "This is my manner of ablution and that of the Prophets (Peace Be Upon Them) and that of Prophet Ibrahim (PBUH), the Friend of the Merciful God.".

The Manner of Ablution
It is recommended that a person should start his wudu with the use of the toothpick. Prophet SAW said, "You mouths are the pathways of the Quran. Render them, therefore clean with toothpicks." (Ibn-Majah, Tahara:7). The purpose of using a maswak should be the purification of the mouth for reading Quran and the invocation of God during the Salat. Prophet SAW said, "One prayer after the use of maswak is better than seventy five prayers without the use of the maswak." Prophet SAW did not make it compulsory so as not to overburden the people. He SAW said, "Had it not been for my fear to overburden my people, I would have commanded them to use the maswak before every Salat."

After completing the cleansing of the mouth with maswak, a person should start ablution while facing Qiblah and pronouncing, "in the name of Allah the most Merciful, the most Compassionate.". The Prophet SAW said, "There is no ablution to him who does not call upon the name of God." (Ibn-Majah, Tahara:41). After that a person should say, "O Allah, I seek refuge in Thee from the power of the devil. I seek refuge in Thee O Allah lest they should come and surround me." The purpose of the ablution to remove impurities and making Salat lawful afterwards should be kept in mind until the face is washed. Though it is highly recommended, however, on forgetting to keep it in mind until the face is washed is not penalized.

1. Washing hands thrice
The person should begin with the washing of his right hand and pray, "O Allah, On the day of judgement hand me the book of my actions in my right hand and judge me with lenience."

When one washes his left hand, he should pray, "I beseech Thee O Allah, hand me not the book of my action in my left or from behind my back."

2. Rinsing mouth thrice
Take a handful of water with his right, and rinse his mouth with it three times and gargle. Allow the water to reach the throat, except when one is fasting, at which time one should take it easy. One should say after that, "O Allah, Help me to recite They book and to glorify Thy name."

3. Inhaling through nose thrice
One should take another handful of water and inhale it thrice. One should force it with the breath up the nose and flushing the cartilages of the nose, and force the water out by exhaling. As sniffing the water, one should say, "O Allah, Grant me (to enjoy) the perfumes of Paradise and be gracious unto me." As one exhales to force the water out, one should say, "O Allah, I seek refuge in Thee against the stench of Hell and evil of the world."

These respective duas should be recited since inhaling is equivalent to drawing in while exhaling is removal and rejection. Therefore, while inhaling one should make dua for enjoying perfumes in the Paradise and similarly, while exhaling, one should pray for seeking refuge against Hell and Evil.

4. Washing face thrice
Now, one should take another handful of water to wash his face. One should wash it from the beginning of the flat part of the forehead to the end of the chin, and from one ear to the other ear. The two temples which are on either side of the forehead are not included in the face but form a part of the head. The water is allowed to reach the edge of the bangs which women use to affect: It is the part which lies at the side of the face when the end of a thread is placed upon the top of the ear, and the other end is placed upon the corner of the forehead. The water is allowed to reach the four parts of face where the hair grow: the eyebrows, the mustache, the side whiskers, and the eyelashes. Water should be allowed to reach the base of sparse but not the thick beards. One who has beard, he should wash face thrice and port water over the long part of his beard, and work his fingers in, and clean the ye holes where the dirt which they discharge collects and where the kohl gathers.

While washing eyes, one should wish and make dua that sin should depart therefrom. As one washes his face he should pray, "O Allah, Cleanse Thou my face with Thy light when Thou cleanseth the faces of They sainds; blacken not my face with Thy darkness when Thou rendereth the faces of They enemies black."

5. Washing arms upto elbows thrice
One should wash arms upto the elbows three times. When washing his hands a person should move the ring around his finger. He should draw his wet right hand over the fore-part of the head, raising the head gear with the left, and should apply water to the upper part of the upper arm.

Prophet SAW says, "For (the believers) will appear on the day of the resurrection with whiteness on their foreheads, wrists, and ankles, from the effect of ablution." (Al-Bukhari, Wudu:3).

6. Washing forehead, ears, neck thrice
A person should start by washing of his right hand first and left hand after wards. He should proceed then to wipe his head thoroughly by soaking his hands in the water, bringing the tips of their fingers, both the right and the left, together, placing them on the forepart of the head, running them over to the opposite side, and finally bring them back again to the forepart. This all constitutes as a single wipe. He should repeat it thrice and say, "Cover me with Thy Mercy, O Allah, and shower upon me of Thy blessings. Give me to sit in the shadow of Thy throne on that day when there will be no shade except Thine own."

After that, one should wipe the ears, both from outside and inside with the fresh water. He should put the tips of his forefingers into his ears and twist them round, passing his thumbs at the same time over the back of the ears. He should then place the palms of his hands over the outer part of his ears, repeating the act thrice and saying, "Make me O Allah one of those who hear and pattern their work in accordance to the best of what they hear. O Allah, let me hear the crier of Paradise with the righteous."

Now is the time to wash one's neck with another fresh water. The importance of washing neck can be seen from the saying of the Prophet SAW that, "Wiping the neck safeguards against being shackled on the day of resurrection." While wiping the neck, one should make dua that, "O Allah, release my neck from the yoke of fire and save Thou me from the chains and shackles."

7. Washing feet thrice
In the last, one needs to wash his both feet thrice starting with the right foot. With his left hand, one should pass fingers between the toes from the bottom up, beginning with the little toe of the right foot and ending with the little toe of the left. While washing the right foot, one should make dua that, "O Allah, steady my foot on the narrow bridge on that day when feet slip down into the fires of Hell." While washing the left foot, one should make dua that, "I see Thy aid O Allah lest my foot should slip off the bridge on that day when the feet of the hypocrites slip."

After one finishes the washing of feet, one should turn to his head up towards the heavens and say, "I testify that there is no god but Allah, that He has no associate, and that Muhammad is His servant and His apostle. Glory be to You O Allah, and the praise be Thine, for there is no god but Thee. I have done evil and sinned against my own soul. I beg Thy forgiveness O Allah, an dI hearken back unto You. Forgive, therefore, my sin and be gracious unto me; Thou art the Forgiving, the Merciful. Give me to be penitent O Allah, and make me pure. Grant me to be one of Thy righteous servants and make me patient and grateful. Help me always to remember Thy name, and to praise Thee day and night."

Tuesday, July 08, 2014

Stages of the cleanliness. Cleanliness is one half of the belief (Imaan)

Cleanliness keeps a very important place in the religion of Islam. Praise be to Allah SWT Who has shown His kindness on His servants and has provided them with cleanliness (wudu). He has made his Light and grace to flow into the hearts for the purification of the inward thoughts. He has provided His servants with the water which is smooth and soft for the washing of the bodies. May Allah be pleased with and have His peace and mercies on Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) who has encompassed the entire world from one end to another with the light of guidance, as well as upon his noble and righteous family - a peace the blessings of which will be a salvation onto us or the day of resurrection and a bulwark unto us against every danger or affliction.

The Prophet SAW said, "Religion was founded on cleanliness" (al-Ghazali). 'Purification is the key to prayer.' (al-Tirmidhi, Tahara: 3). Allah said, "Therein are men who aspire to purity, and God loves the purified." (Surah 9: 109). The Prophet SAW also said, "Purification is one half of belief." (Muslim, Tahara-1). Allah said, "Allah desires not to lay burden onto you, but He desires to purify you." (Surah 5: 9). Imam al-Ghazali explains that through these externals, those who contemplate the fact that the most important thing is the purification of the heart, because, it is very unlikely that the words of the Prophet SAW "Purification is one half of belief" meant that men should polish and clean the body with generous use of water and neglect the heart and leave it stuffed with impurities and filth.

Imam al-Ghazali suggests that purity has four stages: The first stage is the purification of body from the excrements, imupurities, and bodily growth and discharges (arabic fadlah / fadalat). The second stage is the purification of bodily senses from crimes and sins. The third stage is the purification of the heart from blameworthy traits and reprehensible vices. The fourth and final stage is the purification of the innermost self (sirr) from everything except Allah SWT. This last stage is that of the Prophets (May Peace Be Upon Them) and the saints.

In all these stages, the purity is half of the activities it encompasses. For the highest aim of the activities of the innermost self is to have the majesty and greatness of Allah revealed on it. But knowledge of Allah will never be revealed into the innermost until everything except Allah is removed from there. Allah has therefore said, "Say: It is God: then leave them in their past time of cavilling." It is clear that knowledge of Allah and allegiance to another besides Him can not inhabit the same heart and Allah has not created two hearts within him.

As to the activities of the heart, the sole purpose is to decorate it with the praiseworthy traits and doctrines established by the Law. No one who has not cleansed his heart from the opposite, the false doctrines and reprehensible vices, has ever been described by these traits. Hence purification of heart comprises of one half of the activities. This first half is the prerequisite for the second. And it is in this manner that purification of the heart is one half of the belief. In the same fashion, the purification of the bodily senses from the forbidden things is half of the activities they entail and is prerequisite for the second half. Their purification is the first half and their adornment with good works is the second half.

There are different stages of the belief. One attains the higher stage of belief unless he first goes through the lower stage. He will not attain the purification of the innermost self from the blameworthy qualities and will not adorn it with the qualities that are praiseworthy unless he accomplishes first the purification of the heart from the blameworthy traits and adorns it with the praiseworthy. In the same manner, none will attain the purification of the heart from the blameworthy traits or adorn it with the praiseworthy traits unless he first accomplishes the bodily senses from the forbidden things and adorns them with good works. The more precious and noble the desired object becomes the more difficult is the way to its attainment. The longer is the road which leads to it, and greater are the obstacles which block its path. Therefore, one should not think that this can merely be achieved by wishing or by no efforts. The one whose insight fails to distinguish between these four stages shall not perceive them except the lowest which is equivalent to the last and outermost husk of the desired fruit. Therefore, such a person will only concentrate on it and go to the extreme in study of its rules and waste his all time in istinja (abstersion), washing clothes, cleaning his body, and outdoing himself in the use of water, thinking as a result of constant fear with which he is obsessed and of a hallucination which dwells in his mind, that the desired and noble purity comprises only of such outward and external cleanliness. Therefore, he shows his complete ignorance about the way the early Muslims spent their lives: How they spent all their energy and thought of the purification of the heart and were very lenient regarding the body to the extent that 'Umar, despite his high station, has once performed his ablution with water from a jar which belonged to a Christian woman.' Similarly, it was a common practice among early Muslims not to wash their hands from the remains of the fats and foods but instead wipe their fingers off against the arches of their feet without any soap or anything. They used to pray, kneeling and prostrating themselves directly on the ground and walk barefooted in the streets. There were many who slept on earth had nothing between themselves and the earth.

Umar said, "We had no knowledge of Alkali at the time of the Apostle of Allah and our towels were the hollows of our feet: Whenever we ate anything, we wiped our fingers against our feet." After the death of the Prophet SAW, the first four innovations were the use of the sieve (for flour), the use of Alkali (for washing), the use of tables (for eating), and eating to satiety.

The only concern to the early Muslims was the cleanliness of the heart. One of them even said, "To perform prayer with the shoes on is better than performing them without them because when Apostle of God SAW took his shoes off during prayer as Gabriel informed him that they were unclean, and the people present took their shoes off as well, he told them, "Why have you taken off your shoes?"" (Abu Dawood, Taharah: 137).

Such was the lenience of theirs in those matters. Therefore, when Prophet SAW said, "Religion was founded on the cleanliness.", it's main emphasis was to lead to the purification of the innermost self which can be attained after achieving other stages of the purification as well. Too much emphasis on the purification of the body, will lead to the waste of energies and the actual purpose of the cleanliness will be lost.

We pray that Allah SWT helps us achieve the purification of the innermost self. Amen.

Monday, May 26, 2014

One of the best duas!

Here it is:

O Allah i supplicate you to grant me your love, and love of those who love you and the deeds which lead me to win your love, and make my love for you dearer to me than myself, my family and cold (refreshing) water.

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Shah Abdul Latif Bhitai Sur Yaman Kalyan

Shah Abdul Latif Bhittai
Sur Kalyan 
Poetry and translation (Thanks Imtiaz Kazi)

تون حبيبُ، تون طبيبُ، تون دَردَ جي دَوا؛
جانِبَ! منهنجي جِيءَ ۾ آزَرَ جا اَنوا؛
صاحبَ! ڏي شِفا، ميان! مريضنِ کي.
Ye are friend, physician, Ye my pain’s medicine
Dear! Body’s afflicted with all sorts of infection
O Lord! You give amelioration, to the sick one
حبيب تون، طبيب تون، دردَ جو دارون
دوا منهنجي دل کي تنهنجون تَوارون
ڪريان ٿي ڪارون، جئن ٻُڪي ٻئَنئُون نَه ٿئي
Ye are friend, physician, Ye are my illness’ cure
Cure of heart comes whenever You, I remember
I’m in uproar, my healing anyone else won’t care
حبيب تون، طبيب تون، تون هي دَرٺن ڊَڀُ
تون ڏيين،تون لاهيين، تون ـ هين هادي رَبُ
آهِمِ اِيءُ عَجَبُ، جِئن واريو ويڄ وِهارين
You friend, physician, You, a remedy for invalid
You afflict or alleviate, You ‘re Sustainer-n-Guide
I get astonished, You then physicians also send
تون حبيبُ، تون طبيبُ، تون دارُون کي دَردَنِ؛
تون ڏِئين، تون لاهِئين، ڏاتَرَ! کي ڏُکندَنِ؛
تڏهين ڦَڪِيُون فَرَقُ ڪن، جڏهين اَمرُ ڪريو اُنِ کي.
You- friend, physician, You- ailment’s treatment
Lord! Ye inflict then Ye ward off all this torment
Medicines will only affect, at Your commandment
جان ڪي ڪري طبيبُ، دارون هِنَ دردَ جا
هَڻِئو سي حَبيبُ ، اُکوڙِئو اَڌَ ڪري
As and when physician starts treating my pain
My friend’s agitation, ruptures (bandage) in twin
پاٻوهي هيڪارَ، مون کان پُڇيو سَڄَڻين؛
اَلَسۡتُ بِرَبِّڪُمۡ، چَيائون جنهن وارَ؛
سَندي سورَ ڪِنارَ، تَنَ تَڏهانڪُون نه لهي.
For once, lavishly enquired of me my friend
‘Am not I your Lord?’ to me was mentioned
My pain sans bounds, stress never lessened
پاٻوهِيو پُڇَنِّ، ڪِٿي هَٿُ حَبِيبَ جو؛
نيزي هيٺان نِينهنَ جي، پاسي پاڻُ نه ڪَنِّ؛
عاشِقَ اَجَلَ سامُهان، اوچي ڳاٽ اَچَنِّ؛
ڪُسَڻُ قُربُ جَنِّ، مَرَڻُ تَنِّ مُشاهِدو.
Happily they ask, where friend’s caring hand
Love’s spear pointed, they can’t put it aside
Lovers face death, yet hold high their head
About to be beheaded, dying is union indeed
ڪوٺي ڪُهي سُپرِين، ڪوٺي ڪُهڻَ ساڻُ؛
نيزي هيٺان نِينهنَ جي، پاسي ڪر مَ پاڻُ؛
ڄُلُ، وِڃائي ڄاڻُ، عاشِقَ! اَجَلَ سامهُون.
Beloved invites and kills, then endears soon
From the spear of love, do not save y’r skin
Quit wits-n-brain, so confront the extinction
ڪوٺڻُ قَريبَـنَ جو، عيـنُ تَڙڻُ آهِ؛
اِيَ اُلٽي ڳالَھڙِي، سِڪَ وَرَندِي ساهِ؛
آسَرَ هَڏِمَ لاهِ، ڇِنَڻُ ڳَنڍَڻُ اُنِ جو.
Invitation from beloved almost like expulsion
Weird conduct yet next minute love’ll return
Hope ye never loosen, his break-up is a union
ڪُهَنِّ تان ڪَرَ لَـهَنِ، ڪَرَ لَـهَنِ تان ڪُهَنِّ؛
سيئِي ماءِ! مُهَنِّ، سيئي راحتَ رُوحَ جِي.
Kills me-n-inquires of me, cares yet intent on kill
Himself gives me trouble, himself soothes my soul
ڪُهي سو ڪَرَ لهي، ڪوٺي سو ڪُهي
سوئي مُون مُهي، سوئي راحت روح جي
Same as 10 above
(difference in sing. & plural context only)
ڪُهي سو ڪَرَ لَـهَي، ڪوٺي سو قَريبُ؛
اِها عادتَ سِکيو، هَر زَمان حبيبُ؛
تِڇي سو طبيبُ، سو ئي راحتَ رُوحَ جِي.
Kills and also inquires, invites closer to him
This habit, beloved has acquired every time
Hit then a healer became, so is soul’s charm
رهي اَچجي راتڙِي، تن واڍوڙِينِ وَٽاءَ؛
جن کي سورُ سريرَ ۾، گَھٽَ مَنجھاران گھاءَ؛
لِڪائي لوڪاءَ، پاڻهين ٻَڌنِ پَٽِـيُون.

With those love-wounded, a night one must spend
Who bear bodily pain, within many a wound hold
From public hide, apply band on wound on a side
سِرَ جُدا، ڌَڙَ ڌارَ، دوھَ جنين جا ديڳِ ۾؛
سي مَرُ ڪن پَچارَ، حاضر جن جي هَٿ ۾
Head apart, torso torn, body mass in cauldron
May expect wine who ready head in submission
ديڳئين دوڳ ڪڙهن ، جت ڪڻهيءَ ڪڻڪو نَه لهي
تِتي طبيبن، چاڪَ چِڪندا ڇڏيا
Cauldron cooks body meat, spoon rings vessel
Even medical professional left wounds sans fill
اڄ پڻ دانهو دانھَ، واڍوڙڪيءَ مَنَهين
ويڄ ورائي ٻانھَ، چوري چاڪَ نِهاريا
Today again come cries from the hut of lovesick
Pulse; healer did check, open wound he’d a look
اَڄُ پڻ ڪَنجھو ڪَنجَھ، واڍوڙَڪِيءَ مَنَهِينءَ؛
جهُ پڻ پِيـيَنِ سَنجَھ، هُو پِنِيُون هُو پَٽِيـُون.
Today again wail comes from the lovesick’s hut
As dusk hour hit, band-n-herbal balms they put
ويچارا واڍوڙَ، سَدا شاڪِرَ تي
تاڻِن مَٿي توڙَ، اوري ڪنِ نَه آسِرو
Lovesick ones, always in pain yet stay content
Till the end exert, in the mid-path will not quit
سدا آهي سورَ جي واڍوڙن وائي
جيڪا اَٿن مَنَ ۾ سا سَلِن نَه وائي
اوڙَڪِ اُهيئي ، ڳوليو ڏِسن ڳالهڙي
Love-wounded, always keep talking of pain
What they have in mind, give no exposition
At last they do gain, that very dear ambition
سَگَھنِ سُڌِ نه سُورَ جِي، گھايَلَ ڪيئن گھارِينِ؛
پِيَلَ پاسو پَٽَ تان، واڍوڙَ نه وارِينِ؛
پَرِ ۾ پَچَنِ پِرينءَ لَئي، هَئي! هَنجُون هارِينِ؛
سَڄَڻُ جي سارِينِ،سي نہ رُونِ نہ چُونِ ڪي
Healthy unaware of pain, how wound’d spend
Bruised, lying on the floor, can’t turn on side
Burning for beloved, secretly tears they shed
Whom beloved in mind, weep nor say a word
سَگَھنِ سُڌِ نه سُورَ جِي، ٿا رُنڪَن رَنجُوري؛
پِيا آهن پَٽَ ۾، مَٿِن مامُوري؛
لڳين لَنؤ، لَطِيفُ چَئي، سَدا جِي سُوري؛
پِرتِ جن پُوري، تن رويو وِهامي راتڙي
Healthy to pain indifferent, others in pain suffer
Lying on the floor, pain is what they must bear
Love has assigned them to perpetual pain forever
Who to love fully adhere, in tears spend night entire
سَدا آهي سور جي، رنجورن رُڻِڪَ
ڪنھ جنھِ ڏُکَ ڏسائيا، لٿين ڪينَ جهُڻِڪ
اِنَ ڀَلاريءَ ڀُڻِڪَ، هيڪرَ حُضوري ڪيا
In pain ever, grieved ones in sobs and in wail
Sorrows they suffer, reprimands receive in full
By such sizzling trill, love’s audience they avail
آيَلِ! اُنِ نه وِسَهان، هَنجُون جي هارِينِ؛
آڻيو آبُ اَکينِ ۾، ڏيھ کي ڏيکارِينِ؛
سَڄَڻُ جي سارِينِ، سي نڪي روئن نه چون ڪِي.
Mom! I can’t take along who only tears shed
Make eye wet in tears-n-show it to the crowd
Whom love in mind, cry not, utter not a word
اگھي اَگھائي، رَنجُ پِريان کي رسيو؛
چَکيَمِ چڱائِي، سورانگھي سُورِيءَ تان.
My illness acknowledged, beloved got perturbed
I tasted this good, when on gibbet I lost my head
هُو جي مَنجهان هيجَ، وَهَمَ پِريان جي وَڍِئا
ٻُڪي ڏيئي تَن کي، ڪوهُ ڪَريندا ويڄَ
نَڪا پِڇَ نَه پيڄَ، پَسَڻَ ڌاران پرينءَ جي
Those who gladly got slain in beloved’s thought
Arrange their cure, O doctors! there’s no benefit
Seek no syrup nor tablet, save sweetheart’s sight
وَڍي جَنِ وِڌياسِ، وَري ويڄَ ئِي سي ٿِيا؛
تُرتُ ٻَڌائُون پَٽِيُون، روزِ ڪيائُون راسِ؛
هِينئڙا! تنِين پاسِ، گھارِ ته گھايَلُ نه ٿِئين.
Those who cut me, then became my healer
Prompt put bands, wound in a day did cure
Stay by’em dear! Wounds won’t get ye near
ويڄن ويٺي ئي، دوستُ پيهي دَرِ آيو
صِحتَ جي سَريرَ ۾ ، ڪَلَ ڪَڙِين پيئي
پيڙَ پري ويئي، اَچَڻَ ساڻُ، عَجيبَ جي
While doctor attended, friend made entry
Bodily health did surge, wounds felt scary
Pain had to flee, at beloved’s health query
ڪارائيَان قَريبُ، وَنين ـ ئون ويجهو گهڻو
دارون سَڀِ دردَ کي طَبَعَ جو طبيبُ
ايهي حالِ حَبيبُ، ساهان اوڏو سپرين
Closer than eye-pupil, beloved is so near
My body’s ailments, he is all-pain healer
So my amour, I feel him in my breath air
ورسئا ويڄ ويچارا، ڀليا ويڄ ويچارا
دل ۾ درد پرين جو، من ۾ مرض پرين جو
اٿيو ويڄا مَ وھو وڃو ڊ رڀَ کڻي
اٿيو ويڄا مَ وھو، کڻو ڊرڀَ تمارا
ٻُڪي ڏيندا ٻاجَھ جي، آيا سُورَ ڌَڻي؛
ٻُڪي ڏيندا ٻاجَھ جي جيء جِيارا َ

Poor physicians puzzled, they got misled
Beloved’s pain in heart, same in my mind
Get up doctors! sit not, hell with y’r tablet
Rise doctors! sit not, take back y’r ointment
A tonic of mercy delivers from pain-treater
Tonic of mercy, I get from soul’s Sustainer

Wednesday, March 19, 2014


My dear friends,

(Night of 17th March 2014 so it was already 18th March, 2014 according to clocks)

Last night, I had a very strange dream. I never thought I will have that person in my dream. When I ask myself, if I ever saw that person in any dream in my life, I get a negative reply. In my dream, I see that I am together with my brothers, A, N and W (and probably also K but I am not sure), my cousin, T W, two of my friends from college, SN and (probably) TMC, and a child of age less than 5 years (I guess) but I do not know whose child is this boy. We all have invited Imran Khan (the chief and chairman of Pakistan Tehrik-e-Insaaf party) to Larkana at my maternal grand father's home. We had a dining table in the upper story of the home. Imran Khan was invited to that room for lunch and TW, my cousin, was acting as a host. The setting of the dinning table is such that there are three chairs on each long-side of the table and one chair on each short-side of the table. Imran takes the lead seat on the shorter side of the table. Next to Imran are sitting my two friends. My brothers are standing next to chairs. The third chair on that side is occupied by me. I am also having this child in my lap. The child is so excited or what that he keeps annoying while Imran Khan is discussing things with all of us. He is mainly talking about how situation of Pakistanis and Pakistan can be improved. He discusses about the grass-root level problems faced by common people and is open to get ideas from youngsters like ourselves who were joining him in that meeting.

To me important thing in the dream was not what Imran Khan was discussing but the most important thing was this child. It seemed that there was something about this child. He was very special to me and in that meeting. He kept annoying everyone but especially Imran Khan. He did things that would divert anyone's attention. He will say something in between or try to go to Imran Khan's side or try to go off my lap and jump into my friend's places to either grab the attention or he wanted to take Imran Khan's attention. I was afraid that Imran Khan might not like this and might become angry. At one point, it seemed that Imran is getting angry but trust me that Imran didn't even say why have you brought this kid/child, who keeps annoying, in this serious discussion. Or he even did not asked anyone to take this child away. He was very calm, accepting, and loving to this child. Though I don't remember well, after the child's too much annoyance, Imran Khan (probably) took him in his lap from me.

After I woke up, several questions were raised in my head. These questions are:
1. Currently, I am not living in Pakistan, so why, I had a dream in which I saw Imran Khan in my grand father's house together with my brothers, one cousin, two friends, and a child.

2. My grand father's house is in Larkana. My family lives in Karachi. My cousin lives in Larkana. One friend lives in Karachi, the other friend lives in Murree. So, why in Larkana? We could have met/invited Imran Khan to Karachi or Murree or Islamabad or some other place.

3. Why I saw that small child and why I had that small child in my lap? This child was annoying everyone but neither I got annoyed nor Imran Khan got annoyed with him. Though at one time it seemed Imran is annoyed, he didn't say anything. Rather, after sometime, I can't recall well, probably Imran Khan took this child in his lap.

4. Moreover, I had a small discussion with Imran Khan. There could be several reasons. May be because this child was with me in my lap and was annoying everyone. So, I had to take care of him. Why I didn't have a good / active discussion with Imran Khan?

Overall, I like this dream. But there are many questions still unanswered :)
I am not sure about the message in this dream.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Two poems: One from Julia Carney and other from Louis I. Newman

I like one of the poems of Julia Abigail Fletcher Carney (commonly known as Julia Carney) very much. It has gone deep down my heart. I love this lady for such a beautiful poem. 

Julia Carney was an American Educator born on April 6, 1823 in Lancaster, Massachussets and died at the age of 85 years on November 1, 1908. She is very famous for her great poem 'Little Things' which gave her a fame in 1845.

I reproduce the lines here:

Little drops of water,
Little grains of sand,
Make the mighty occean,
And the pleasant Land!

Little deeds of kindness,
Little words of Love,
Make our word an Eden,
Like the heaven above!

The other poem that I would like to share with you is of Louis I. Newman. He was a poet and scholar of Jewish ethics. He is famous for scholarly writings and poems. He says:

I sought to hear the Voice of God, 
And climbed the topmost steeple,
But God declared, Go down again,
I dwell among the people.

Poetry of the Learned Poets!

I have intentionally selected such a title. For me not all poets are learned. (Sorry, if it offends someone)! I like poetry that is deep in thought. Words might be simple but with deep meaning. I will share the poems/poetry of the poets from different cultures/places which I come across. I would try to give translation as well, if I really could find one or translate myself. Please forgive me if I cant find the source of the translation or transliteration. If you know the source, please leave in a comment below. Thanks,

Allama Muhammad Iqbal, also known as the poet of the east, says:

Aqal Ne Aik Din Ye Dil Se Kaha                       One day reason said to the heart:
Bhoole Bhatke Ki Rahnuma Hun Main               I am a guide for those who are lost. 

Hun Zameen Par, Guzr Falak Pe Mera             I live on earth, but I roam the skies
Dekh To Kis Qadar Rasa Hun Main                  just see the vastness of my reach.

Kaam Dunya Mein Rahbari Hai Mera               My task in the world is to guide and lead,
Misl-e-Khizr-e-Khajasta Pa Hun Main              I am like Khizr of blessed steps.

Hun Mufassir-e-Kitab-e-Hasti Ki                     I interpret the book of life,
Mazhar-e-Shan-e-Kibriya Hun Main               And through me Divine Glory shines forth.

Boond Ek Khoon Ki Hai Tu Lekin                    You are no more than a drop of blood,
Ghairat-e-Laal-e-Be Baha Hun Main              While I am the envy of the priceless pearl!

Dil Ne Sun Kar Kaha Ye Sub Sach Hai          
The heart listened, and then said: 
Par Mujhe Bhi To Dekh, Kya Hun Main          This is all true,But now look at me,And see what I am.

Raaz-e-Hasti Ko Ti Samajhti Hai                  You penetrate the secret of existence,

Aur Ankhon Se Dekhta Hun Main!                But I see it with my eyes.

Hai Tujhe Wasta Mazahir Se                       You deal With the outward aspect of things,
Aur Batin Se Ashna Hun Main                      I know what lies within.

Ilm Tujh Se To Maarifat Mujh Se                Knowledge comes from you, gnosis from me;
Tu Khuda Joo, Khuda Numa Hun Main         You seek God, I reveal Him.

Ilm Ki Intiha Hai Betaabi                             Attaining the ultimate in knowledge only makes one restless
Iss Marz Ki Magar Dawa Hun Main              I am the cure for that malady.

Shama Tu Mehfil-e-Sadaqat Ki                  You are the candle of the Assembly of Truth;

Husn Ki Bazm Ka Diya Hun Main                 I am the lamp of the Assembly of Beauty.

Tu Zaman-o-Makan Se Rishta Bapa
Taeer-e-Sidra Se Ashna Hun Main

Kis Bulandi Pe Hai Maqam Mera
Arsh Rab-e-Jaleel Ka Hun Main!

Glorifying the beauty of my Lord!

My routine is very unusual. Since very long, I do not follow a disciplined routine. My wake up time is messed up, my sleeping time is not fixed, my daily work agenda is highly flexible, yet to everyone's and to my own surprise, I follow some routine :). My routine comprises of tea in the morning before going to university, studying with couple of breaks including prayer, tea, and food/fruit breaks, some days teaching to third year students and back to home, having dinner, watching TV on my laptop and long (sometimes constructive) arguable discussions with (a) friend(s) on various issues concerning plights of peoples in Pakistan on a cup of Pakistani tea (Kheer patti/Dhoodh patti chae). 

By following such a (sounding uninteresting) time-flexible routine, I never gave a deep thought to admiring the beauty of my Lord. Paulo Coelho in his book Alchemist reports that 

I am going to put on a shirt I often wear and, for the first time, I am going to notice how it was made. I am going to imagine the hands that wove the cotton and the river where the fibers of the plant were born. I will understand that all those now invisible things are a part of history of my shirt.

Being inspired by the thought of noticing how a shirt was made, described by Paulo Coelho in his book, I try to look back and think of my routine. When I think about it again and again, my routine though sounds quite uninteresting but is actually not. No one can see the beauty of my Lord in it but I can see it for sure. How beautifully he wakes me up from slumber and my whole existence comes into existence. SubhanaAllah. I live again. SubhanaAllah. Should I say, human's life is like a pure random walk process. You do not know when what happens next. Predictability is zero. Wow! Time never stops, but yet Lord gives us time to spend. We have loads of things on the plate to be done. There is purpose in life again. Glorify the name of the Lord, admire the beauty of the Lord, and seek the shelter of the Lord. 

The purpose makes the routine look better to oneself. Vision starts shining and one sees a routine like a blossoming flower. It is promising. 

Tomorrow will be different. It will not be different that I am going to change my routine (though I might need to for some other reason), but it will be different because I will start looking at things I do from the time I wake up to time I fall prey to slumber differently. I will seek my Lord's beauty in everything. 

As Paulo Coelho says that when you want something, forces of nature will move in a way that you will achieve your goal. I call these forces of nature nothing but the will of Allah, my Lord: It is actually He who moves the things in your favor and yet we do not realize and recognize.

That is the beauty of my Lord! He is there! Need to see it. :)

Tuesday, February 11, 2014


Vandaag, wil ik graag een aantal quotes te posten in plaats van een blog schriven. Ik weet het dat jullie (sommige) zullen niet leuk.

Ik hop dat je vind het leuk.

I hope that you you like it. Thanks

Sunday, February 09, 2014

Random thoughts :)

Do we really learn things?

Over time, I have realized that one should remind oneself of his/her learning curve. One should be aware of the things learnt from time to time. Every day is a different day in some sense even for a person who follows an exact same routine. A day can be different due to several reasons related to emotions, work, feelings, situations, happenings, events, and what not. With all these things, we learn something. 

'Time never waits for anyone'. It moves on. It is therefore very important to remind oneself of one's progress and learning. Human race is progressing and with time the ocean of knowledge is growing. The learning is important as the world has moved from a common knowledge to specialization. 

Having learnt so much (acquired knowledge), can we still answer questions like:

1. Which is the best classroom in the world?
2. When is a day really a good day?
3. When do I feel better about myself?
4. Which is the most peaceful feeling for me?
5. What is the importance of the things that we do for ourselves?
6. What is the importance of the things that we do for others?
7. What is the importance of a sincere apology?
8. What is the importance of harsh words uttered?
9. What is an innocence of a child?
10. What is the importance of saying 'No' or saying 'Yes'?
11. What is the strength of helping others?
12. When do you need a friend?
13. What is the function of heart to a person?
14. What is the meaning of time to us?
15. What is the meaning of life to us?
and the list goes on.....

Learning about what one has learnt is very important for self-development (personal-development). We must keep asking ourselves questions like above to help ourselves improve. I wish I can store my learning in some words, I find it extremely difficult. Sometimes words deceive me and at other times, feelings turn their faces away from me, and yet at other times mind does not accept to code the learning into words.

But we have to live, so we should live happily, purposefully, respectfully, and with energy and enthusiasm. This can be achieved by reflection on the learning achieved from various things, occasions, feelings, emotions, situations, people, groups, surroundings, environments, etc.

Thursday, February 06, 2014

Plan for learning languages!

Sometimes, I think that when we all humans are the descendants of Prophet Adam (May Peace Be Upon Him), then why on earth do we have to speak so many languages? Well, I know the reasons that people will present and I agree with them. But this has really made my life difficult. hehe.

I speak afew languages, can understand even more languages, and yet can write even more languages. Sindhi, Urdu, English are ones I can speak, write, and understand fluently. Arabic I can read and write. Since Persian uses same script as Arabic, so I assume I will be able to read and write (if someone dictates me) but would not understand / comprehend. Punjabi, I can read (though it is written with urdu alphabets), write, and understand but, ofcourse, not fully. Amazingly, Hindi is similar to urdu when you hear and I can speak and understand but can not write or read. I can not read/write because Hindi uses totally different script - Devanagri script. I wish I could recognize the letters. An Indian friend of mine tried to explain to me but unfortunately, I did not take much interest because of many reasons, specially, I did not have enough time and I thought when I can speak and understand, I guess I do not need to put efforts on a totally new script for reading. These days, one can write in roman, anyways.

I want to learn two more languages, which I can read, write, speak and understand as well. These languages are Arabic and Dutch. For Arabic, I know how to read, write but can't speak since I cant understand it. I can read and write it because my mother tongue (Sindhi) and Pakistan's National language (Urdu) use the Arabic script for writing.

I know a little bit of dutch since I have lived in the Netherlands for some time. But I really regret that I did not take the opportunity to learn this language. There are not many people in the world who speak dutch but still it is a language. I agree with the most people who think that Dutch is a difficult language to learn. Yet, I want to learn this language and I am learning it.

May be in next couple of weeks, I start blogging in dutch. (At least try simple, short sentences in Dutch explaining my everyday activities).

Arabic!!! I have many Arabs around me, so I am thinking that I should also take a course or some lessons from some university/institute/tutor to learn Arabic as it is the most rich language on earth. I would start learning this language soon. I will inform you about that soon.

Bye for now :)

Banking, Business, Economics and Finance Related Movies

Following is the list of some of the movies related to finance, banking, business, economy, and/or financial crisis. The synopsis or story-line of the movie, if available, is taken from IMDB website. Moreover, Youtube links of the trailers of the movies are also presented. I would highly recommend these movies to the students of finance/accounting/economics/business.

Good luck!

1. Wall Street (1987) (Imdb rating: 7.4)
A young and impatient stockbroker is willing to do anything to get to the top, including trading on illegal inside information taken through a ruthless and greedy corporate raider who takes the youth under his wing.



2. The Pursuit of Happiness (2006) (Biography, Drama) (Imdb rating: 7.9)
A struggling salesman takes custody of his son as he's poised to begin a life-changing professional endeavor.



3. Boiler Room (2008) (Documentary) (Imdb rating: 7.0)
A college dropout gets a job as a broker for a suburban investment firm, which puts him on the fast track to success, but the job might not be as legitimate as it sounds.



4. The Ascent of Money (2008) (Documentary) (Imdb rating: 7.8)



5. Capitalism: A Love Story (2009) (Imdb rating: 7.4)
An examination of the social costs of corporate interests pursuing profits at the expense of the public good.



6. Overdose (Original Title: Overdos) (2010) (Imdb rating: 7.9)
In times of crisis people seek strong leaders and simple solutions. But what happens when their solutions are identical to the mistakes that caused the very crisis? 'Overdose' is the story of the greatest economic crisis of our age - the one that awaits us. The documentary traces the origins of the financial crisis and explores the eerie similarities with today's situation, where states like Greece, Iceland and even the U.S. seems to be in danger of collapsing. Among those interviewed are experts who were mocked when they predicted the current crisis. Other interviewees include Nobel laureate Vernon Smith and former US Comptroller General David Walker (I.O.U.S.A). The film is shot in the U.S., Sweden and Germany and makes extensive use of music, archive footage and graphics.



7. Inside Job (2010) (Imdb rating: 8.3)
Takes a closer look at what brought about the financial meltdown.



8. Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps (Sequel of Wall Street) (2010) (Imdb rating: 6.3)
Now out of prison but still disgraced by his peers, Gordon Gekko works his future son-in-law, an idealistic stock broker, when he sees an opportunity to take down a Wall Street enemy and rebuild his empire.



9. The Flaw (Documentary) (2011) (Imdb rating: 8.3)
People all over the world are still struggling with the aftermath of the greatest financial crisis since the Wall Street Crash of 1929. We all know what the effects have been but what exactly were the causes? The Flaw ranges widely across the history of American capitalism in the twentieth century, its rigor laced with sardonic humor and peopled with a cast of characters that spans Nobel-prize winning economists and distressed home owners to the New York Times financial correspondent on the brink of foreclosure and the Wall Street banker who feels the pain encoded in his spreadsheets. The film argues that the roots of the crisis lie in the changing relationship between the rich and the rest in American society.



10. The Wolf of Wallstreet (2013) (Imdb rating: 8.5)
Based on the true story of Jordan Belfort, from his rise to a wealthy stockbroker living the high life to his fall involving crime, corruption and the federal government.

